Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful and inconvenient health condition which is caused by pressure on the nerves around the wrist joint.

In this article:

What is the carpal tunnel?

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?




Effect on your life


How Chemist Online can help

Advice & Support

What is the carpal tunnel?
The carpal tunnel is the ‘passageway’ which lies between the carpal bones and a ligament called the retinaculum that lies across the front of the wrist.

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome develops through too much stress being placed upon the median nerve in the wrist. The median nerve connects to your hand and is the ‘controlling nerve’ when it comes to feeling and sensation in the fingers and thumb.

The general symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include:

A painful, tingling sensation in the wrist

Weakness in the forearm

Hand weakness and a tingling sensation there

A feeling of burning in the hand and wrist (and sometimes in the forearm)

An intermittent searing pain shooting down your back from your neck and shoulders

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can range from mild to severe.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can occur as a result of:

A hand or wrist injury of some sort

Playing too much tennis (or another racquet sport, such as badminton or squash where there is continual stress and pressure placed upon the forearm, wrist and hand)

Rheumatoid arthritis

Bone cancer

Repetitive use of a computer keyboard, mobile phone or other device where continuous pressing down of the fingers (and therefore wrist and wrist/hand muscle movement) is involved. Although there is no clinical evidence as such where computer use being a cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is concerned, it is vital that you adopt a correct posture when working at a keyboard or keyboard-activated console of some sort.

If you are suffering from the aforementioned symptoms and think that you may have carpal tunnel syndrome, arrange an appointment with your GP. After taking your medical history, asking you some questions about your symptoms, and carrying out a short examination, your GP will make a decision as to whether you need to be referred to a specialist (a neurologist) at your local hospital. There, a confirmed diagnosis can be made based upon the results of a nerve conduction test.

Effect on your life
Although carpal tunnel syndrome can make using your hand and wrist difficult to use in the day-in-day-out (even when carrying out the lightest of tasks), your symptoms may be at their worst at night and therefore cause you to have disturbed sleep.

Although there is no actual cure for carpal tunnel syndrome, treatment options which are intended to ease symptoms include steroid injections (to reduce inflammation) and surgery to the front of the wrist.

How Chemist Online can help
Through this website we have a range of painkilling remedies/treatments available to buy which can help ease the associated symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome such as muscular and skeletal pain.

Advice & Support
Arthritis Research Campaign
Tel. 0870 850 5000

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Auditorium Sound System Care Tips: Do’s & Don’ts

So your organization has the best auditorium is the city. Everyone is impressed by the decor, the lighting, the ambience, and the auditorium sound system. Everything is running smooth. The auditorium sees back-to-back shows and hundreds of people accessing it on a regular basis. Until one day, there is a glitch in the system. Your speaker system fails to start or doesn’t perform as expected.

Ever wonder why does this happen? The reasons could be countless. However, there is one factor that is persistent. Lack of care and improper usage is one of the leading cause of equipment failure in auditoriums. Unlike other systems, they have longer operating hours and are used by different operators. As they say, too many cooks spoil the broth. This proverb is apt in this scenario.

Let’s have a quick look at all the do’s and don’ts of taking care of your auditorium sound system.

Don’t overdrive the sound system
One major reason of equipment failure is overdriving speakers and amplifiers. While these systems are designed for prolonged use and abuse, every electronic equipment has its threshold. Overdrive can be controlled in various ways. You can use a master limiter to control the dynamic range of the audio signal. Avoid signal clipping at all cost. Use an SPL meter to monitor this. If the signal levels are consistently at the RED on the SPL meter or mixer/amplifier, turn down the volume immediately.

Don’t allow unauthorised access
Auditoriums are used by many stakeholders for actual shows and rehearsals. Quite often, the AV equipment is controlled by non-technical personnel. This is an avenue for equipment being used without much care or know-how. Always ensure only authorised personnel have access to controlling sound systems. Additionally, you can secure the equipment either via hardware or software locks.

Don’t attempt repairs
If the auditorium speaker system sounds distorted or won’t power up, turn down all levels immediately and suspend power supply to the system. If you are not technically sound, do not attempt troubleshooting yourself. Many times, amplifiers and speaker blow up due to improper troubleshooting. Do not attempt repairing any equipment. This could not only void your warranty but also create further complications. Get in touch with your AV integrator or the equipment manufacturer for repairs.

Don’t use unsafe power supply method
All AV equipment require clean and stable power supply to function properly. If your geographic location is prone to interruptions in power supply, take necessary steps. You can rely on power generators or UPS in case of power failure. You can use power conditioners to ensure clean and stable power supply. One of the best tools especially for non-technical users is a power sequencer.
It allows safe usage by powering up/down devices in logical and safe sequence. For e.g. the amplifier should be powered last after all the signal processors and a reverse order must be followed while shutting down i.e. amplifier shuts down first.

Do have a maintenance schedule
Maintaining your equipment offers many benefits. Equipment needs to be checked and cleaned on a regular basis. This allows auditorium sound equipment to function properly for a long time. Having a regular maintenance schedule also highlights key issues and potential pitfalls. They can be highlighted and rectified to avoid equipment failure during actual live performances.

Do have an AV specialist
Having a dedicated personnel to handle your sound and AV equipment can reduce your equipment failure rate by half. As trained professionals, sound and AV engineers know how to use the equipment optimally. If a dedicated specialist cannot be hired, you can get yourself or any staff trained on the basics. The training can be to understand safe operation of all your equipment.

Do have a AMC
Having an Annual Maintenance Contract with your AV integrator is extremely beneficial. Anytime the auditorium sound system fails, you can contact your AV integrator for professional assistance. Many integrators offer comprehensive AMC plans that cover repair costs, provision of standby equipment, on-site assistance, and even extended warranty. An AMC plan is a good way to care of your equipment and extend its usage cycle.

Ejaculate Every Night During Sleep, Any Natural Remedy For Frequent Nightfalls?

Do you ejaculate every night during sleep? Well, then you are in trouble we must say. When you ejaculate every night during sleep, you have a serious condition called ‘Nightfall’ or ‘Wet Dreams’. The most important thing is that it’s not something which surfaced only in the recent times. When we go through old text books of medicine, we can see that it’s been there for ages. Several herbal medicines have been in use to treat this condition. So, you don’t have to worry that you are the only with this condition. There are many men suffer all through their life with this problem.

And you need to also realize that effective medicine is available out there. We intend to guide you in the right path to find a cure to this problem. Ejaculating at night during sleep is a common thing among teenagers and men alike. And it’s perfectly normal as long as it is not frequent. When it occurs every night, you are indeed in trouble as your general health and sexual health are in danger in this case. Not just that it can destroy your confidence for good and it can affect your life in a bad way. So, you need to know more about this condition before you start looking for a cure.

Although it’s problematic in most cases when it occurs frequently, there are exceptions. One such exception is when your body produces excess semen. Your body produces semen as usual and it could accumulate when you don’t have any sort of sexual activity for long. In such a scenario, you may ejaculate every night during sleep. In that case, you don’t need to worry much as it will disappear on its own when you start masturbating or when you start having sex with a partner.

But when it happens amidst an active sex life, you need to start worrying. The thing that your body demands breaks in between semen ejaculation. So, if you have already ejaculated it at night, you might not want to get in to love making as your body has no craving for it. In that case, it can have serious after effects on your relationship. You may not be able to satisfy your partner in bed and that can result in break up or divorce thereafter. So, you need to seek help if you ejaculate every night during sleep. Moreover, this can drain all your energy and you will feel tired all the time. And you may find it hard to focus on your daily chores due to this.

However, in most cases you don’t have to worry. It’s important to know when to worry. If it affects your health and sexual performance, you need to start worrying. Otherwise you can stop worrying about this. We say this especially with the reason that over thinking and over worrying are bigger problems than the actual one in case of several men. You need to realize the fact that love making is also dependent on your mind as it plays a larger part than your body. So, a mind which is worried all the time will definitely make it worse. Coming to the treatment, Ayurvedic or natural methods are preferred over the rest. Herbal medicines have been in use for centuries to treat such cases and you can opt for them without fear as it’s not going to offer any side effect. We suggest you to use NF Cure and Vital M-40 Capsules as it is one of the best capsules available in the market now.